In Memoriam


Furunäs Joybell RS 4879

Täby in June 2006 (9 years old) Photo: Jennie Ejneroos

Born 1997, black, 96 cm, B-licensed

Died on September 8, 2006 (9 years old)

Joybell was shown for her B-license at the age of four and was awarded 39 p.

Joybell was by Roy v. Bunswaard RS 184 and out of Furunäs Pomona RS 824, elite- and gold winner.

Unfortunately, Joybell was hit by laminitis in the summer of 2005, while being pregnant. After a couple of weeks of medication she bacame slightly better. Shortly after, she gave birth to the colt Furunäs Robin and luckily enough everything went well!

She was relatively OK during the winter of 2005 / 2006 but was hit by laminities again during the summer of 2006. When x-rayed, her front hoofs showed founder. When the medication didn't help her with the pain this time, we unfortunately had to put her down on September 8, 2006.

We will remember Joybell as a strong and proud mare in the flock as well as a protective and lovable mother to her foals.



Roy v. Bunswaard RS 184 Furunäs Pomona RS 824
Rosson of Transy NL-S.596 Heloise v. Bunswaard NL-S.19530 Rosafir of Transy RS 66 Furunäs Pamela RS 343
Pericles of Netherley SPSB 1987 Rosaria of Transy SPSB 5852 Stelmor of Transy NL-S.342 Desiree v.St. Rodichem NL-S.15054 Rosethorn of Transy SPSB 1750 Rosemary of Transy SPSB 5504 Lilleman RS 11 Harviestoun Priscilla RS 7



Born Sex Name Colour Sire
2001 M Furunäs Norton Black Hormesta Erik Viking RS 325
2002 - Not covered in 2001 - -
2003 F Died during birth Black Timothy v. St. Geerhof RS 200
2004 - Not covered in 2003 - -
2005 M Furunäs Robin Black Furunäs Bonzo RS 269
2006 - Not covered in 2005 - -


Show results

Date Location Judge Points Pos.
2001-07-23 Osby Roland Fransson 8 8 7 8 8 = 39 p B-licensed


Täby summer 2005 (8 years old) Photo: Freja Avebäck

Täby summer 2004 (7 years old)

Täby summer 2003 (6 years old)